The Same Sky

On my last night in Nicaragua, I fell into bed and went to sleep almost immediately. I didn't realize that I wore no earplugs until I woke up. Thinking it was morning and wanting to see the sunrise, I threw on some clothes and stepped outside. That's when I realized the light shining through the curtains was man made.

The sky was still dark. My watch said two and I realized it would be four in the morning at home. Sometimes I'm outside then, so this felt familiar. I wanted to see what things looked and sounded like here in the night. The sounds drew me into far corners of the yard and I kept looking up at the night sky.

The clouds obstructed the stars, yet the moon was full and the planet light shone bright. The night noises reminded me of the frogs and crickets at home, yet with a different dialect. It was the same yet different. As I walked about, it felt comforting to be outside. My bed was calling and I should sleep. Maybe the next time I awoke, I could hear the bird songs.

I knew I would soon be home, yet I needed to experience the Nicaraguan night sky. I realized that the same sky connects us as the same moon reflects the sun and there are similar night sounds everywhere. I wonder if Melanie will get to experience some of this when she's in Honduras? Will she feel connected through nature with us here at home? I will be looking up and wondered what she is seeing in her sky.


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