Between Two Worlds

Less than twenty four hours ago I was in Nicaraugua. I was soaking in the heat, humidity, language and culture. Now I'm getting ready to head back into school, back into the pressures and expectations of a new school year. I have been listening to life in Spanish and I'm already missing the musical qualities of it. Names now in English will sound so harsh in comparison. The world that was so real yesterday is now surreal as I begin to transition back.

On the last part of the flight home, my seatmate tried to explain his business but it was like hearing another language. My only connection to his job was that I delivered the ads that he marketed in my morning paper. I'm sure he was just as puzzled when I explained my thinking about a variety of topics. The fact that I see my paper route as a way to being paid to exercise outdoors had him shaking his head.

This pondering about different worlds makes me realize the different worlds between individuals all around me. Husbands and wives often are in different zones and can't read each other's language of love. Parents and children often find meaning lost as they try to communicate. Teachers and students will soon be starting another year of learning and growing in relationships.

What will be the point of contact between all these contrasting worlds around me? Will I have to get uncomfortable to reach out of my comfort zone? Will I have to do more listening first and observing to find the common links? Will I need to become more aware of my non verbal messages? Only time will tell.


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