
Showing posts from December, 2015

Playing Hide and Seek

Tony Campolo tells of a rabbi's child who was playing hide-and-seek with some children.  She went away and hid herself.  But the other children decided to be mean.  While she was hiding, they ran away and left her behind. When the little girl realized she had been abandoned by her friends, she came running home and threw herself into her father's arms and cried, "Daddy, I was hiding and nobody tried to find me!"  The father hugged his daughter and said, "God understands.  He understands much more than you realize." This was a fresh thought for me. Is God frustrated when I don't seek him out?  Is he patiently waiting for me to pursue him with heart, soul and mind, wanting me to experience delight in the discovery? Is he in the ordinary of each day, waiting for my eyes to catch a glimpse of him, to smile with the joy of sensing his presence?  My Mom used to call this "God Sightings". Just this past weekend, where snow or frost is often c