
Showing posts from 2015

Playing Hide and Seek

Tony Campolo tells of a rabbi's child who was playing hide-and-seek with some children.  She went away and hid herself.  But the other children decided to be mean.  While she was hiding, they ran away and left her behind. When the little girl realized she had been abandoned by her friends, she came running home and threw herself into her father's arms and cried, "Daddy, I was hiding and nobody tried to find me!"  The father hugged his daughter and said, "God understands.  He understands much more than you realize." This was a fresh thought for me. Is God frustrated when I don't seek him out?  Is he patiently waiting for me to pursue him with heart, soul and mind, wanting me to experience delight in the discovery? Is he in the ordinary of each day, waiting for my eyes to catch a glimpse of him, to smile with the joy of sensing his presence?  My Mom used to call this "God Sightings". Just this past weekend, where snow or frost is often c


30 Small but Powerful Daily Choices "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose"   (Prov 18:2) WORDS Encourage someone to be their best                   Control another for personal gain  Enlighten by speaking truth                 Colour the truth with omissions                                        Light a fire for change                                                                 WORDS                             Spread gossip like wildfire Guide and promote teamwork    Incite acts of violence Share a differing perspective                           Discriminate and make judgements   WORDS Explain inconsistencies                                       Teach for a new understanding          Brainstorm  possible solutions                      Bully the weak and marginalized Share mutual love and inti

You Just Need to Ask

This is my response to a friend who shared of a recent dream she had.....of a chair in her deepest soul....where Jesus came and sat down, bringing such deep peace.  What did it all mean? Why not ask him a question and wait for his response? Jesus, if you are sitting on a chair in my heart, what do you want to tell me today? I love you and I want to live in you; to be in an intimate relationship, where you will always know how deeply I love you.  I made you and love you just as you are.  I know how hard it is for you to see yourself as I see you, but I'd love to share more of my perspective with you.  You just need to ask. I love you and I want to heal all your hurts. When you get tired of nursing those wounds yourself, just bring them to me.  I want to deep clean the infection that keeps them festering.  I know all about what was said and done to you. Let me heal your mind.  I know you can't clean yourself up alone.  When you get tired of trying, you just need to a

Sharpened and Ready

Sharpened Pencils Tall and new,  stubby and chewed Collected in one container, ready for use. Previously dulled by overuse, Set to one side with anxiety and fear Covered with crusty paint, no longer useful. Freshened now by the sharpener Scraped till fresh graphite is exposed The past a defining memory. Ready now to be useful To write, to sketch, to create Ready now for a fresh, new school year.

Alone........Yet, NOT Alone

Living alone in a home without human companionship.....yet, NOT alone.  I can reflect on the memories and influences of relationships, both past and present. Working alone in the garden pulling weeds and clipping bushes....yet, NOT alone.  I can breathe in the energy from other living things, interdependent and growing all around me. Eating alone at a table spread with healthy food....yet, NOT alone.  I can be grateful for those who have grown, transported, prepared or have helped create what I'm nourishing my body with. Driving alone in the car intent on pursuing a desired destination...yet, NOT alone.  I can listen and act on the nudge to make a detour that results in human connection and encouragement. Reading alone in the chair on my deck....yet, NOT alone.  I can converse mentally with the author through the characters on the page, traveling to new places and challenging my mind. Sleeping alone in a bed usually shared with another.....yet, NOT alone.  I can remember

A Mother Bird's Lament

This morning I woke to the singing of birds, even before the light of day.  As I lay half awake, I thought about the importance of singing while still in the darkness; of praising before the sun begins to shine. The birds seemed to be responding to the hints of dawn with loud song, celebrating a new day. Just a few hours later, the sound of their happy chirping changed.  With a loud BANG on the glass window pane, I knew another bird had realized the reflection of trees to be a mirage.  It's been happening a lot lately, in fact many times a day. Often the dazed bird lays quiet and then flies away. Loud chirping suddenly changed into cries of distress. The urgency was unmistakable.  Like a mother recognizing her baby's hunger cry, I knew something was different.  I got off the couch and imagined a bird struggling and crying in pain.  "Oh no", I thought. "What am I going to find? How will I be able to help if it's injured?" Stepping out onto the p

Cries in the Darkness

Where are you God in the darkness, the darkness that paralyzes with fear? Where are you God in the winter, the winter that freezes within? Where are you God in the nighttime, the night where deep sleep eludes? Where are you God when I'm lonely, the aloneness that sucks out all hope? I AM in the blowing wind, the wind that you feel but can't see. I AM in the warmth of a gentle hug, a hug that affirms you're okay. I AM in the firmness of your mattress, a mattress that supports and sustains. I AM deep in your hurting heart, a heart I long to fill with my love.

Living after Easter

Many months of weekly practicing finally produced a musical production called "The Promise". Everything came together on the final weekend as we presented it multiple times.  It is always fun to see something come to life out of nothing but a script with music and ideas in the director's mind. There is such a sense of satisfaction by the time we get to the end of the Easter weekend. It is always good to overcome obstacles, to find notes that once were in discord come closer into harmony.  It's exciting to combine the actors with the music, seeing the scenery add depth to each scene. Each person involved could say they had a small part in it. Only collectively could we begin to tell the amazing Easter story of love and promise, bringing history to life in the way we did.  Familiar concepts had a chance to become fresh and new as we memorized our words and music. It took the sacrificing of Sunday afternoons to work towards this end.  When things were "broken&

Letting Go

During the month of November, when Mom was in the process of dying, I watched the leaves dying on many of the deciduous trees around.  Most simply died and fell to the ground.  I knew that eventually they would decompose and return to the soil, becoming part of the life and death cycle of a tree. Why did some of the trees still have leaves attached?  Why were some of the branches still retaining their hold on the leaves, even after life was obviously gone......or was it the other way around?  I snapped pictures as a way to record my questions. It's now the 3rd of the month,  three months since we said our final farewells to Mom. My questions remain...... How many things dead and lifeless do I continue to hang on to? What are the unhealthy things in my life that need to be thrown into the fire? How can new life come if I hang tightly to the old and familiar patterns? Being in this "winter season" is exhausting, with it's moments of depression and grief.  Yet a

Winter Wonderings

Where are you God in the dark of my winter? I am the sparkle of light that reflects on the mountains of snow that surround you.   I am present even when the clouds hide me from direct view.   My reflection is enough to shine into the drabness and oppression of your winter season.   When my sunbeams break through the clouds, even if for a moment, you might wish for sunglasses. Where are you God in the cold of my winter? I am the layers of clothing that protect you from the penetrating chill of frigid temps.   I know you would freeze without protection so let me cover you with my righteousness.  Choose to dress yourself with my love, my compassion, my peace.   You might not even realize the need for so many layers, but when you call for rescue, I will be there with the warmth of my love. Where are you God in the loneliness of my winter? I am the presence of a friend that reminds you that you're not alone.   I know you need community even as you push