A Mother Bird's Lament

This morning I woke to the singing of birds, even before the light of day.  As I lay half awake, I thought about the importance of singing while still in the darkness; of praising before the sun begins to shine. The birds seemed to be responding to the hints of dawn with loud song, celebrating a new day.

Just a few hours later, the sound of their happy chirping changed.  With a loud BANG on the glass window pane, I knew another bird had realized the reflection of trees to be a mirage.  It's been happening a lot lately, in fact many times a day. Often the dazed bird lays quiet and then flies away.

Loud chirping suddenly changed into cries of distress. The urgency was unmistakable.  Like a mother recognizing her baby's hunger cry, I knew something was different.  I got off the couch and imagined a bird struggling and crying in pain. 

"Oh no", I thought. "What am I going to find? How will I be able to help if it's injured?"

Stepping out onto the porch deck, 2 birds flew off, one a colourful red.  Thankful to see them flying away, I imagined the stairwell to be empty. 

A beautiful bird was flat out on it's back, legs sticking straight up with it's head to one side.  There was no movement and no struggling that I could see. I headed down for a closer look, hoping to find it breathing.  Nope.  Nothing.

Such beauty of design and colour, suddenly with it's life cut short. Why did this have to happen? I felt so sad at the loss and at the same time, so in awe of seeing it up close. Could it be a baby cardinal?

Those cries of distress must not have been from the injured bird at all but from the parents. One in particular was expressing pain with a very loud lament. Could that have been the mother? There was nothing to be done; no rescue to put into place. It was a sad moment with sadness lingering, even after I found the bird a final resting place. It's life was way too short.

Yet the fact remains that one little bird did make a difference, even if only to a few.  Even as I admired the beautiful colour of it's feathers and the intricate layering around the neck, I felt connected to words of Jesus. 

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." 

People say it's natural to feel anxious when your daughter's wedding is two weeks away.  I don't like the feeling because I know I don't have to live that way. I've been finding ways to let the anxiousness go, yet I'm still struggling. 

Did I appreciate this little interruption to my coffee break?  Not immediately, but as I'm slowing down to reflect on my feelings and thoughts, I'm thankful for this timely reminder. 

I will choose to be thankful for today, living in each moment as it comes rather than worrying about tomorrow before it arrives.  I will live today knowing, in a fresh way, my personal worth.  The One who knows all the details will have to keep whispering to our hearts as we press towards this wedding day.


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