
Showing posts from June, 2015

A Mother Bird's Lament

This morning I woke to the singing of birds, even before the light of day.  As I lay half awake, I thought about the importance of singing while still in the darkness; of praising before the sun begins to shine. The birds seemed to be responding to the hints of dawn with loud song, celebrating a new day. Just a few hours later, the sound of their happy chirping changed.  With a loud BANG on the glass window pane, I knew another bird had realized the reflection of trees to be a mirage.  It's been happening a lot lately, in fact many times a day. Often the dazed bird lays quiet and then flies away. Loud chirping suddenly changed into cries of distress. The urgency was unmistakable.  Like a mother recognizing her baby's hunger cry, I knew something was different.  I got off the couch and imagined a bird struggling and crying in pain.  "Oh no", I thought. "What am I going to find? How will I be able to help if it's injured?" Stepping out onto the p

Cries in the Darkness

Where are you God in the darkness, the darkness that paralyzes with fear? Where are you God in the winter, the winter that freezes within? Where are you God in the nighttime, the night where deep sleep eludes? Where are you God when I'm lonely, the aloneness that sucks out all hope? I AM in the blowing wind, the wind that you feel but can't see. I AM in the warmth of a gentle hug, a hug that affirms you're okay. I AM in the firmness of your mattress, a mattress that supports and sustains. I AM deep in your hurting heart, a heart I long to fill with my love.