
Showing posts from January, 2010

Fresh Snow

A sparkling coat of snow this morning, blankets everything. Gone are the piles of hard ice left from a former snowfall. Instead, we are starting out the day with a clean, fresh slate. The world is beautiful right now. I tried to remember the slippery patches as I walked the side walks. The treacherous sections, those that had not been shovelled previously, made it all the more important to watch my step. Yesterday I had been complaining about the un-shovelled sections. Rather than complain about what I have no control over, today I decided to walk carefully and accept what was to be. Every day is a fresh, new one in the lives of my students. Their short time at school should be a safe and peaceful time, no matter what has happened previously at home. As little people, they have no control over family situations. My privilege is to view each child with fresh eyes, giving each a brand new start for the new day. I do need to tread carefully, and find the right supports to give them

Held in the Palm

I have a young teacher friend who is beginning her career in unusual circumstances. As I hear of some major challenges surrounding her, suddenly my own challenges of this school year seem small. Her classroom of nine children range from Kindergarten right through to Grade Eleven. Their parents are living at the Mission of Hope in Haiti and are overwhelmed with the relief efforts. Aftershocks produce instant panic and fear, as all have been tramatized from the earthquake. I have a picture of them in the palm of God's hand. Much like I would hold a small insect such as a ladybug in my hand, closing my fist to shield it and running to stable ground, I see God's protection over all their lives. It doesn't mean there is no fear. It doesn't mean that things are comfortable. Hope and security comes through believing the promises of God, even when everything around crumbles. I'm learning, through different circumstances, that these promises are indeed true. Show the wond

New Years Hands

The first day back to school is always exciting for the kids and tiring for me. After two full weeks of holidaying, it's time to get back to work. We read books and sang about the new year, anticipating birthdays to come. We made new years hats and celebrated a new start. As the children were lining up to wash hands before snack, I heard myself telling them to get clean "new years hands". I wondered if there would be a way to get new hearts for them all as well. Oh to have fresh new hands and to get a fresh start. The mind can decide to change but it's the heart motivation that cements the "want to" and changes habits. Isn't that what making change is really all about? I can decide in my head to improve in some area of my life and work hard to change. It is the heart though, that guides and dictates in the nitty-gritty decisions of each moment. It may be quick and easy to get "new years hands" but I think I'll be needing God's he