Held in the Palm

I have a young teacher friend who is beginning her career in unusual circumstances. As I hear of some major challenges surrounding her, suddenly my own challenges of this school year seem small.

Her classroom of nine children range from Kindergarten right through to Grade Eleven. Their parents are living at the Mission of Hope in Haiti and are overwhelmed with the relief efforts. Aftershocks produce instant panic and fear, as all have been tramatized from the earthquake.

I have a picture of them in the palm of God's hand. Much like I would hold a small insect such as a ladybug in my hand, closing my fist to shield it and running to stable ground, I see God's protection over all their lives.

It doesn't mean there is no fear. It doesn't mean that things are comfortable. Hope and security comes through believing the promises of God, even when everything around crumbles. I'm learning, through different circumstances, that these promises are indeed true.

Show the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.


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