30 Small but Powerful Daily Choices

"Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose"   (Prov 18:2)
Encourage someone to be their best
                  Control another for personal gain
 Enlighten by speaking truth
                Colour the truth with omissions
                                       Light a fire for change                                                             
                            Spread gossip like wildfire
Guide and promote teamwork
   Incite acts of violence
Share a differing perspective
                          Discriminate and make judgements
Explain inconsistencies
                                      Teach for a new understanding
         Brainstorm  possible solutions
                     Bully the weak and marginalized
Share mutual love and intimacies
             Give a twisting to the truth
Mediate and work to resolve conflict
                    Contribute towards confusion
 Provide food for thought
       Destroy a reputation
 Convey gratitude and thankfulness
                              Discourage growth with put-downs
 Offer forgiveness
    Perpetuate anxiety
Offer hope and promise
Cunningly devise plans
Challenge and coach
                           Offer mercy and grace to another
          Build up dignity and honour
                               Communicate beyond the obvious
"A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish 
nearly anything - or destroy it!"   (James 3:4)                                


Jennifer Dougan said…
Hi Kristine,

It's staggering how powerful our words are, isn't it? I appreciated how your poem seemed to alternate the beautiful possibilities with the horrifying slices that our words could do, depending on how we wield them. Phew, huh?

Praying for wisdom with my words too,
Jennifer Dougan

Merry Christmas!

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