No Waste

This summer we spent no money on outdoor flowerbeds, yet had the nicest display of colour and design ever. Leftovers sent from my sister in law became the foundation, quickly stuck in before they died. A girlfriend's extra herbs and flowers were the next layer added, along with some FREE ones from the side of the street. Two ferns from the VBS rainforest display that were gifted to us became the crowning touch. All the money saved became the seed money for my Nicaraguan trip.

The story of the sower and the seed that I prepared for Canadian VBS children in July was translated into Spanish in August. The song I wrote to clarify the parable's message here was what I taught in Spanish for the children in Rama. In fact, telling the story to children who lived in a rainforest where seeds grow so quickly made so much sense. As the children sat on a hard packed dirt floor and I tossed grains of rice over them, I felt like this was more like the setting where Jesus' story had first been told. My VBS preparation had not been wasted. The second retelling may have been even better than the first.

How many things in life now are preparing me for what is to come? Experiences as a child that are coming back to my memory help me to process new experiences. I'm realizing how each has made me who I am today. There is no waste as God continues to use the good, the bad and the ugly for his purposes, recycling and creating beauty for the future.


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