Pictures of Cooperation

I woke up this morning thinking of how there is cooperation at the core of everything. I had a great night's sleep, until I lay awake thinking......The pillows, sheets and quilt were cooperating with the bed frame, headboard and mattress. All were working together to provide what I needed for a time of restoration and renewal through sleep.

I get dressed and everything is in cooperation, since all can't be a sleeve, buttons or pants. Each part is important and yet none could function on it's own. My breakfast is a cooperation of elements as well; cereal, milk, bowl and spoon. As each part cooperates and works together with my hand, arm and mouth, I can get nourishment and energy for a new day.

I jump in my car to get to work. This cooperation goes far beyond my understanding as the key starts the ignition, which sets an entire cooperation picture in the engine into action. Even the wheels, tires, seats and steering wheel cooperate in the way they combine to make a whole, functional vehicle. The sum is far greater than the parts.

I go into my workplace, which happens to be a school and realize cooperation among people. The custodian is already there, maintaining and preparing. The daycare is already in full swing providing before and after school childcare. The principal and secretary soon arrive, providing solid support and administration. As each teacher enters unique classrooms, they bring their own personalities and strengths to interact with more unique students. We couldn't do what we do without the cooperation with and among all the Educational Assistants. And then there's the community and the parents.....It's the cooperation of all of these parts that can make our school a good place for children to learn.

I think of families and realize how much cooperation is necessary each day. Not only do the parents need to cooperate with each other, but the children and even extended family have their roles to play. Even for communication to happen effectively, there has to be cooperation between talking and listening. Often it is when things go wrong that we realize the beauty of a unified whole.

Will it end here? I think not as I realize how the world is full of the cooperation of parts. The rainbow would not be what it is without the full spectrum of light. Flowerbeds need the cooperation of soil, air and light to support growth among the shrubs, annuals and perennials. Buildings and homes require so many elements in perfect engineering and design to be functional and useful. Even the parts not seen, such as the foundation, trusses and beams are a necessary part of this cooperation.

I think of the church and think cooperation. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in cooperation with each other. When we are in cooperation and agreement with all of them in our thoughts, words and actions, then we can enter into a place of strength and power. As the Body of Christ working together, we can each find our niche and put our giftedness into action. The resulting unity can be such a picture of cooperation that others looking on are attracted.

I think today I will get my students and their reading buddies, to brainstorm together. I will bring a quilt made years ago as another picture of cooperation. I can't wait to see what ideas the students will come up with. Now that my fingers, mind and computer are all cooperating to produce this blog, I'm wondering what else I'm going to notice throughout my day. Will it ever end?


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