Angry and Doing Something About It

When is anger a good thing? I've seen a mom angry when an injustice is done to her child and she rushes in to protect and make things right. She's not ready to ask what really happened, only to solve things for her child. Anger pushes her to action.

I've felt anger rushing over me as I hear words being used that hurt and damage someone else. It pushes me to take action and it fuels me to not back away until I see results. Recently, I saw a girl so angry she said she wanted to kill someone and she wasn't backing away for anything.

Anger seems to be an emotion that can take over to the point that we are out of control. This little girl would not listen to reason, as I tried to discern what had happened. She had accidentally taken the full force of a kicked soccer ball to the stomach, which really hurt. Yet by piling on blame and saying the boy did it "on purpose", she couldn't let go of her anger. She was not being open to seeing another point of view and there was nothing I could do about it.

The other students tried to re-enact the event, sharing what they had observed until a clear picture was formed. The boy even apologized for his part, yet that was not enough. She didn't want to forgive, to let the anger go and move on. Her mom has modeled this way of living for a long while. After being on the receiving end of anger, this girl could now feel justified to dish it out on someone else.

How many times am I angry about something without knowing the whole story? Am I too quick to make a judgement because I want to justify my feelings? How willing am I to forgive even before an apology is given?


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