Sitting on the Runway

The plane is fully loaded , destination Miami and I have an aisle seat near the front of the plane. Yet I can barely see outside since some window shades are pulled down around me. As I fasten my seat belt and watch the pre-flight routine, I think how this could seem like flying. If one had never felt the pull back into your seat and the tummy flip from getting airborne, you could tell yourself that you were flying. We sit on the runway a long time, taxiing and stopping repeatedly. Because I can't see outside, it is difficult to know the truth of flying.... until we finally lift off.

How many times do I convince myself that I'm reaching my goals only to discover that I'm back where I started from? It's easy to convince myself that I am making progress because it all looks good. Yet the power is missing to actually take off and fly; to make lasting change that helps me achieve my goals. I need to access the Spirit's power beneath my wings. I need to admit I can't do it on my own, inviting him to work in me. I need to release my need to control. Then maybe I will be able to actually get off the runway.


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