Going Back in Time

The curly headed girl bounced down the stairs, ready for breakfast. As a three year old, she climbed into her booster seat and waited for the bib to be fastened around her neck. But when something didn't go her way, the lower lip came out, arms crossed and we all knew Erin was not happy.

To Tom and I sitting around the table, it felt like we had gone back in time. We had come to Honduras to visit our daughter Melanie, yet we felt like it was fifteen years earlier. Not only were there similarities in looks but also in personality. In the same day, it felt like we were spending time with 'the girl who was' and 'the girl who is'.

There's a bit of grieving that goes into becoming 'empty nesters', even if only for seasons of time. By loving on Erin and receiving her love back, our hearts were filled. We went expecting to see the Melanie we sent and we did find her, though more mature than when she left. The surprise we didn't expect to see was Erin. What a special gift to have a glimpse back in time.

Since God is not bound by time and space, is this how God sees my children? I am bound by the present, able to only look back, often nursing regrets at not being able to do things again. God on the other hand can see the whole picture, knowing how my young child will grow and develop. Maybe this is why he wants me as his child to keep coming to him, asking for help and insight for my parenting. He doesn't want me to parent alone since he loves my children even more than I do.


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