My Zebra Tree

A pre-lit tree is supposed to save you frustration and headache when you set it up.  It is created to be put together from three pieces, to be connected through all the inner cords to an external power source so it can shine brilliantly throughout the Christmas season.  For some undetermined reason, mine is shining less brightly this year.

We tried taking it apart and reconnecting all the cords.  We searched for lights that had fallen out or were burnt out.  Finally we called it what it was and decided it would have to be okay, at least for this year. When we contented ourselves with decorating what we had and calling it a zebra tree, it just seemed unique for this year.

There are multiple stripes of darkness throughout the tree.  With the decorations on, you'd never recognize the problem in the light of day. In the dark of night though, you can suddenly see the bands of black. Even though the surrounding light is bright, what brilliance there would be should every light be fully connected and shining.

This old hymn was in my head as I woke this morning:

The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin
The Light of the world is Jesus
Like sunshine at noonday His glory shone in
The Light of the world is Jesus
Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee
Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me
Once I was blind, but now I can see
The Light of the world is Jesus.

Jesus is the Source of Light, the light that shines in the darkness.  As his children, we are created to be connected to him and to shine into the darkness around us. When we join as community to shine, our individual lights combine more brightly to reach into darkness. 

But if we could help the dark bulbs to get connected to the Source of Light, can you imagine the brilliance of our combined light to the world? May our individual and combined lights this Christmas lead someone to discover the light source. This baby whose birth we are celebrating IS the Light of the World.


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