A Little Hop for Wednesday

Yesterday was Wednesday, Hump Day, Middle of the Week day. I ended the day with a meeting at the church and heard a celebration going on across the foyer. Apparently this was a special event that had been planned for weeks by the girls.

Our Adventure Girls Club had baked cookies and came to sing for the adults.  The people who come Wednesday nights pray regularly for the girls and their leaders. My husband said the room was filled as the girls interspersed themselves between the adults to visit and get better aquainted. The girls were a combination of those from church families and community homes and lots of small talk filled the room. To know that someone prays for you is a special thing.

Earlier in the day, at "going home time", I was walking a quiet, waif of a girl to her late bus line.  She asked if it was Wednesday and when I said it was, she gave a little hop and said, "Oh goodie!"

"Why are you hopping for Wednesday?"

"Because I go to Kid's Club tonight."

Gone were the memories of playing alone at recess time and feeling like others were having more fun than her.  So what that she had had an accident and had to wait 45 minutes before mom could bring an extra change of clothing.  Now she was full of anticipation. It was the night of Kid's Club.

I'm thinking the leaders of Kid's Club may have no idea what joy they are bringing to her each week. She speaks so quietly you can barely hear her words in a group. Yet earlier that afternoon, I had been asked if I believed in angels.  When I said I did, she told me that others were saying angels weren't real and she didn't believe them.

"Some of us go to church, you know."

For all the leaders who give of their time each week, there are many children who look forward to the event.  For all the adults who say, "I can only pray," there are many children who's view of God is being shaped by the love and acceptance they feel at the many different Kid's Clubs.


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