Sands of Memories

I have been riding the ocean waves for the past two weeks. I have fallen off my board more than once but have been forced to climb back on and continue the journey.
I've gritted my teeth to persevere through persistent housecleaning only to feel the clean ocean spray on my face.
I have experienced in a fresh new way the ocean support of family and friends. A wedding is not a solo event and I have a full list of tangible examples of what support looks like in practice .
I have seen how some expectations have to be released before there is room for joy. If I cannot change something, it must be released so I can grow and find peace.
The releasing of a firstborn child into the arms of another is a process, not a one time event. My love now is part of that ocean of support for this new couple. Now they can begin to learn how to ride the waves for themselves.
Now that I've landed on the beach after the big day, I'm tired and physically drained. I'm parched and dry emotionally, needing soul food that will restore from within. (I won't be able to enjoy a BEACH BASH without resting first.)
The beauty of being on this side of the ocean is that I'm now surrounded by the sands of memories. The pictures that will be emerging simply help me savour and enjoy the sand between my toes.
Without the ocean ride in the first place, there would not be emotions to link to those memories. Now it's time to refresh, renew and recharge for the next adventure.


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