Performance Appraisal time

Where do I begin? The lesson plan was written up, the Grade 2/3 Library class was chosen and the day and time were set. The rubric was posted for the lesson and all was set to go. Then the unexpected began.

As the principal walked into the Library, I had my Grade One class. I had been thinking, "This will be a dry run for next period." Now I realized I had to deal with the behaviours as well as teach a lesson that I had planned for older children. She had my lesson plan in front of her so I knew I couldn't deviate and change things too much. I was exhausted at the end but felt things went as well as they could with that particular class.

Then I began the same lesson with the Grade 2/3's, wondering if she would be slipping back in to observe as planned. When I pulled out the book to begin, the students quickly said, "You've read that book to us before!" I had totally forgotten! That information would not have been advantageous.

As I kept going, I started to smile inside. Things were not going as well as with the previous class. Only God knew that I would be better off teaching the lesson to the Grade one's. I did show how I could be flexible and adapt to the unexpected. Once again I experienced God's grace in turning something around in a new way, filling me with wonder at his love and care for me.


I love it when what seems like a disaster turns out to have worked out in exactly the time and way it should have! It's comforting to know that He is watching over us. An inspiring story, Kristine. Thanks for sharing!

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