Starry Delights

Saturday night the sky was clear and the air was cool. I enjoyed my first, and probably last, bonfire of the summer. Being out in a remote corner of Wainfleet, far removed from city lights, allowed for an amazing clarity to view the lights of the night.

As the sky darkened, the intensity of the sky lights brightened until they were a dazzling display of beauty. What an awesome experience; to put your head back and disappear into the sky. I felt so small. My anxieties and worries disappeared as my thoughts went to the creator of the universe. I felt enveloped in the beauty of the moment and loved as a part of that creation.

As I prepare this week to step into another Kindergarten in another city, full of unknowns, I know that while some things change, others will never change. The things that truly count will last forever. Sometimes, like the stars, what truly counts cannot be counted.


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