Shadows By Moonlight

Last night I experienced the beauty of a full moon. My attention was captured by an intense spot of light on a dark kitchen floor as I walked in to turn on a light. It wasn't until I got down on my knees that I could see where it was coming from through the trees. I started my walk with a sense of anticipation.

Living in the city of Welland, I walk by streetlight which has always seemed to be bright enough. But in comparison to the full moon, something is lacking. Even though electrical lights can brighten my path, there was a unique brilliance to the light that came from the moon. If that reflected light was so brilliant, what was the source like? I could only imagine, because I have never been able to look directly into the sun.

I kept being drawn to the moonlight, especially as I walked into dark places. That's when I started to notice the shadows; from houses, trees and myself. Is moonlight always capable of producing defined shadows? When walking home, I noticed wispy clouds starting to darken the light and my mind shifted to the things in me that darken, like worry, fear and anxiety. Instead of focusing on the dark and negative, I realized anew that I'm better off to shift my eyes to the light. People that reflect God's love are such an encouragement, but better yet is the encouragement and love that comes directly from the Source of all light.


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