Art in Motion

Art in Motion is the only way to describe this video.  To see a blank canvas under the talented eye of the artist slowly start to come to life is absolutely amazing. I know the artist and she's a beautiful, talented girl, just starting her career.  To see the process of her work, allows a glimpse into her mind.

The artist has to "see" what is not there yet.  She has to know the end result and work line by line towards achieving that finished view. I don't see what she sees and don't have the skills to know what to add, much less take away.  She didn't even do as much erasing as I would have done during the process.

I'm drawn to this because the Master Artist in my life is doing some erasing right now.  I can't see the benefit but I have to trust that the pain will have gain in the end. He's been showing me things that are not in line with his character and his picture for me. I may not ever see the finished picture myself and may not know why, until we talk in heaven.

Until then,  I will allow myself to listen with a trustful heart and to fully participate with the art of my life.


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