Thankful Rememberings

Yesterday, as I was wiping out book bins, setting up my classroom library, doing bulletin boards and generally arranging things, my mind went back to three years ago. I remembered two friends who gave up a Saturday to combine all the work into one day. I remember how encouraging that was to work with others and not feel overwhelmed. I realized how we teachers work so much in isolation as an island unto ourselves. I thought of everyone who was probably thinking the same kind of thoughts....."what should I do first?" and " I still need to get my class list so I can get started on a whole bunch of other jobs." etc. etc.

  As teachers, we don't often talk about our insecurities before the students walk in the door. We prepare and yet until we see the white of their eyes, hear their voices and interact with their personalities, we can only imagine what things will be like. We can plan things, but until we meet the students, the teaching process is just a plan. It always changes, based on needs and expectations. That's when I know I will need other teachers; to bounce ideas and ask for suggestions. I can't be afraid to ask for help. I don't need to know all the answers, I just need to be able to get them.

 Remembering the support of friends at the time of that sudden move encourages me today for things ahead. We're expecting changes in staffing at the end of September, but I"m protected from being the one who three years ago had a weekend to move to a new school.


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