CRASHING.....but not Alone

GOD ANSWER YOU ON THE DAY YOU CRASH, THE NAME GOD-OF-JACOB PUT YOU OUT OF HARM'S WAY. I had woken early with these words from The Message (Psalm 20) in my mind, thinking I'd share them later with a friend who had been having a bad day. About 30 minutes later, I found myself slipping on black ice and going down with an armful of papers. As I heard a dreaded CRACK from above my right ankle. I didn't want to believe that I could be in this much trouble. The pain told me I couldn't ignore it, especially when I gingerly tried to put my weight on a foot that was screaming.

A glance up and down the street showed no lights on at any homes; no one up early on a Saturday. My only choice was to crawl back up on the porch I had just stepped off of, only this time to ring their doorbell. As the owners peered out, trying to figure out who was there, I was thankful for their concern. They helped me to their vehicle, drove me home to get my health card and then on to the hospital. Once again, David's words connected to my situation. SEND REINFORCEMENTS FROM HOLY HILL, DISPATCH FROM ZION FRESH SUPPLIES. Without their care and help, I couldn't have made it to the hospital. My husband was at work and my daughter was sound asleep, oblivious to my plight.

After making some phone calls, having the rest of the papers delivered, being transported to another site to see the ortho surgeon, being admitted because there "happened" to be a bed available, and waiting for surgery early the next day, I finally read more reassuring words from that very Psalm. THAT CLINCHES IT - HELP'S COMING, AN ANSWER'S ON THE WAY, EVERYTHING'S GOING TO WORK OUT. I had to cling to the hope that everything really was going to work out, even though my weekend plans of finishing up report cards were dashed.

Now that I'm post surgery, waiting for healing and feeling at loose ends with myself, I'm still finding fresh encouragement.... SEE THOSE PEOPLE POLISHING THEIR CHARIOTS, AND OTHERS GROOMING THEIR HORSES? BUT WE'RE MAKING GARLANDS FOR GOD OUR GOD. THE CHARIOTS WILL RUST, THOSE HORSES PULL UP LAME - AND WE'LL BE ON OUR FEET, STANDING TALL. I have no idea how long before I will be standing and walking independently....but I'm deciding today to start making garlands of praise and thanksgiving using my words. At least I will be able to give something to the God who did not leave me alone when I fell.


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