Stepping into Recovery

The workshop was great. There were lots of new ideas, some old ideas but all were presented in a fresh, active learning way. It was for teachers but was not about the curriculum. Instead, the 2 day workshop focused on the behaviour mangement of students. And it wasn't about changing the kids but about changing how I present and teach things.

A simple comment, made as an aside, has stayed with me. The presenter said we would actually practice doing things the wrong way first. She said we will inevitably fall back into the old habits, no matter how good our intentions.

The secret for change is learning to recognize what has happened in the moment, and then to step into a rehearsed recovery pattern. By doing the wrong first, and then practicing how to replace it with a better way, I can begin to feel the new way. It will take time before it becomes a habit....and repeated "recovering" attempts, but I shouldn't give up.

How many times do I fail to incorporate new learning because I fail at my first attempts? Is the secret as simple as acknowledging my failure and then trying again?

Even after learning about a new way, it's easy to say I'll do it, and harder to consistently follow through. I might even have to go back into the manual, and study what the new way is, looking beyond the surface.

I'm thinking of habits that need to change. I can't step into spiritual change until I recognize my selfishness and ask God to forgive me. If I keep studying the manual and get some new thinking patterns started, maybe I'll be able make the recovery patterns become new habits.

This might be better than saying, "But that's just the way I am."


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