A Quilt of Friendships

A quilt is a collection of many bits and pieces, often scrapes and leftovers, pieced together to create beauty in an arrangement of design and pattern.

Our friendship is also a collection of bits and pieces, often time and stories, linked together by the Creator who oversees the finished product. Only he knows how bits of my story and bits of your story will merge and influence each of our final quilts of beauty.

We can appreciate his creative process as we view glimpses of beauty in the other's quilt, trusting God for what we cannot yet see in ourselves.

I know in my head that true beauty is developed through interactions with others. I often lose sight of this when life gets busy and I resent interruptions.

Two things I know to be true:

  1. "People are always more important than things."
  2. " The important things are not always the urgent and the urgent things are not always important."

How do I find balance and yet stay focused on what needs to be accomplished?

Maybe I just make my "to-do" list, asking God to help me prioritize for the day, and then consider interruptions as surprises from him. I must allow him room to create beauty in the overall pattern of each day, releasing my "to-do" list as just a wish list to him.


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