Living on Overflow

Children who are not exposed to love and respect in the home, find it difficult to give out to others. What model do they have? How can you give something you have not received?

If my bank account has not had "magic pennies of love" deposited into it, what do I have to give from? It is always easiest to give a smile back to someone who smiles at me. Likewise, if I wave at a neighbour every day and it is not returned, I soon give up trying.

As a woman, so much is expected from me in terms of giving. If I am operating from an empty bank account, I will soon go into overdraft, feeling exhausted and depleted. As I receive the love of Jesus in me, deposits can begin to warm my heart. As those deposits build, I will have so much to give to others. Rather than my actions expressing love out of duty, I will find myself giving out of the overflow.


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