The Olympic Spirit in Me

The 2010 Winter Olympics are now history. The medals achieved have been taken home.The children at school though, are still humming the Olympic song, "I Believe". The media coverage often included visual highlights with only portions of the song. What were the words of the entire song? I had to check it out with the children at school.

Together we explored finding the author's message. It's about determination and perseverance to achieve your goals. It's about sometimes feeling alone and discouraged but not giving up on yourself. It's about believing in the power of you and I to achieve. That's the Olympic spirit of achievement. It's all about me and what I can do.

What if things don't go as we plan? What if you wipe out on the way down a slope and break some bones? What if your mother suddenly dies before you even have time to compete? What if you do your best and it's not enough for a medal? What if believing in yourself is flooded by things out of your control?

What if you can't achieve your goals in the little things? What if your husband chooses the path of integrity and honesty in a work situation? What if the day off requested is denied by virtue of silence? Can I still believe and trust God? Instead, I find myself harping on the need to call for an answer. I still keep trying to help make things happen. It's all about me and about what I can do to make things happen. Are my actions matching up to what I say I believe in?

"I believe in the power of the Holy One". That's the way I want to finish the Olympic song. I can sing those words and rewrite the song, but until my actions and words match what I say I believe in, they mean nothing. The Olympic mindset is in me more than I want to acknowledge.


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