Gifting and Receiving

I have a friend who has been encouraging me all year long with cards and small gifts, always accompanied by a short note "Thinking of You". As a retired teacher herself, she remembers the pressures and expectations daily in the workplace. She also understands about a voice that gives out regularly and has been giving me simple things like throat lozenges and herbal tea. When I opened a gift of a small book last night, I felt overwhelmed by her kindness once again. I have done nothing to deserve such gifts. My first thought it, "What can I give back to her?" but then I realize this gifting is much bigger than that!

Out of the love that I keep receiving from her comes the strength and desire to give to others in unexpected ways. I find myself looking for encouraging words and smiles to give in the workplace. I think of things to write to encourage parents in what's really important for children and I find creative ideas coming for the teaching task at hand. From these small things comes joy in daily living. To think that this is fanned from the outpouring love of an encouraging friend makes me realize the power of giving myself to others. Not only am I thinking what what gifts to give to family and friends this Christmas, I'm realizing that from the many gifts I receive daily, I simply need to keep sharing of myself in simple ordinary ways.


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