New year - New learning

The alarm brought me out of a restless sleep to a new week - a Monday. I lay awake thinking of my day, then jumped up to get the papers done. As I walked, I thought of a quick email I wanted to send before leaving for the day and I went over a few lesson plans in my mind. But there seemed to be a lot of people up early.

My walking routine allows my mind to process many other things at the same time. This is my favourite part of the day. I saw a child in his PJ's saying good-bye to Daddy. I noticed cars warming up their engines in the frigid air. Almost all the houses had light on, yet I kept wondering why so many people were up early? I am usually one of only a few earlyrisers in the neighbourhood. Could I be late? It didn't make sense because I had responded to my trusty alarm clock (but hadn't actually looked at it to see the time.)

It wasn't till I saw Notre Dame high school students emerging that I started to panic. The boy who gave me the time had no idea that I still had twelve papers to deliver and was usually dressing to leave my house at that time.

I had no choice but to finish, my peaceful thoughts now in a jumbled, racing mess. Walking in the house after the time I usually leave for work meant I had to streamline my actions and only do the bottom-line basics.

I did get to school before the students but felt unsettled all day. I taught my lesson on inferring from my morning experience of having visual clues along my walk. The inferring I had done had been wrong until there had been so many clues that I finally had to change my thinking. The truth finally had to be accepted and dealt with.

God in his faithfulness knew that I couldn't have handled the truth well at first. As I gradually processed my lateness, my mind could finally accept and deal with it. I had experienced a peaceful start to a frantic time that couldn't be taken away from me.

I know the new year will have many new things to learn. New truths will sometimes be hard to fit into my rigid thinking. I do know that as I journey each day, I will keep trusting God to be the perfect teacher. I know that he will not give me more than I can process and learn from at one time.


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