The Elusive Balance of Soul

Yesterday I asked the question,"How can I restore my soul on the fly? When my schedule has little breathing space, how can I get through the day intact?"

Because my Shepherd knows me intimately and walks right beside me, the moments of restoration come in bite sized pieces. There was the soothing music on the car radio, the extra walking time at the end of the day to deliver the dreaded flyers, the giving of service that brought quiet satisfaction, a meeting that took me out of the classroom for a day and an encouraging talk with fellow staff.

I wish for a vacation yet the peace has to come from within. I wish for alone time, yet it is in giving to others that my purpose is fulfilled. I want the busyness of the season to pass me by, yet in the midst of it all, the unexpected quiet moments can restore. If only I can quiet my mind enough to enjoy these fleeting moments, I will gain the strength to navigate the stressful times.


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