The Circle of Generosity

Life is a journey that keeps on surprising me. I keep hoping for a return to the familiar, only to find new places where I can apply familiar truths. Is the familiar where I sharpen my skills to truly grow? Maybe growth only happens on the new, stony ground.

I seem to keep picking up good things to help me along the way. I hang on to them for the security of having when I am in need. Soon it begins to weigh me down. Ten years in Kindergarten brings it's accumulation of boxes of teaching materials and "stuff".

There's stuff to sort, to store, to clean, to manage and maintain. How much of it do I really need? I tell myself I'll need to use it soon, but do I need it tomorrow? next year? I still keep creating, applying new ideas only to have more to add it to my collection.

The boxes have been encroaching on family's living space for the past year. Now that another teacher is generously giving me resources for my new grade level, I am realizing the need to give Kindergarten things away. Finding someone to receive has been the challenge until recently.

Now I'm sorting with new eyes, seeing my recipient as grateful. There will be things he won't use, but that's okay. He can always find someone else to give it to. I'm finding names on books from retired teachers and I remember when they were unloading.

As I lighten my own load, there will be room for the new. Until I let something go, I will only get burdened in body and mind. I want to keep this circle of generosity going. I do not want to be a break in the circle that hinders God's provision for someone else.


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