Hunger and Thirst

During the week leading up to Easter, I had an opportunity to celebrate communion with a dozen women around a table. A simple broken loaf of bread was passed around and everyone broke off a piece of bread. It was a simple yet memorable expression of remembrance. "This is my body, broken for you." Most gingerly took a small piece of the bread, but one girl's piece broke off much bigger in her hand and we all giggled. Why were we being so careful? Would there not be enough to go around?

"There is always enough of Jesus to go around," were my sudden thoughts. As I reflect a week later, I make another connection with Jesus' words. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Why are we readily satisfied with so little?

If there is enough of Jesus for my life and it's problems, won't there also be enough for my friend's problems, and my neighbour's challenges and the injustices in my community? Maybe my prayer life needs to change it's focus. Instead of praying for circumstances to change, maybe I need to pray for hunger and thirst to be satisfied.


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