The Beauty of Blooms

Over a month ago my husband and I selected white petunias and red geraniums for our front flower beds, quickly planting and watering them to get them off to a good start. A few weeks later, I noticed only a sea of green and white with no red visible at all. Upon further inspection, I saw that every geranium bud had dried up and brown sticks remained that came right out in my hands.

That was when the heavy rains started. The surface drops of water were no longer running off or evaporating. Instead, the ground became soaked with rain that went deep to the roots, nourishing and causing fresh buds to grow. This morning I counted two dozen buds on each plant, marveling at the effect of good rains. Soon we will be enjoying beautiful splashes of colour amongst the white.

At school, my colleagues and I have felt like plants struggling to bloom in arid conditions. Whereas our former caregiver had protected us from stormy weather and had tried to give us extra watering as needed, we have lately felt exposed to the elements. In this exposure, we have become tougher and more resilient, able to cope with changing weather conditions more easily. At the same time though, some of us have stopped blooming and are simply surviving. What is keeping us going? What is encouraging us to bloom where we are planted?

It has been the support and prayers of the parents in our community. During this past school year, a few Moms decided to gather monthly to pray specifically for our school. This has been the extra water needed, getting to the deeper roots that nourish and allow for blooms. It would be easy to overlook this support, to leave it unnoticed. As I reflect on my own source of strength, I think of all the parents who have provided support these past months. Thanks to everyone who has provided a small drop of nourishment through kinds words, thoughtful gifts and prayers of support. Together those drops do make a difference.


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