A Flower for Mom

"Everyone has a mother, so everyone gets a flower." That's the thinking at our church on Mother's Day. If you won't be seeing your Mom, or your mother has passed away, you are to give your carnation to someone else deserving instead. Yesterday, I had the joy of seeing my children give their flowers away. My oldest daughter was quick to get her carnation and give it to her best friend's Mom. Not only is this Mom missing her only child who is already away for the summer, but she is still grieving the death of her own Mother. As she hesitated to take it and asked about me, I quickly moved in to reassure her that it was okay.

Even though my son had already given his carnation to me, as we were driving out of the church parking lot, my middle daughter saw another mom leaving all alone. As she exclaimed that she had already given hers away, I offered mine. It was worth giving my flower away to see the joy on the face of the receiver, as this Mom wiped away tears from her eyes. I don't even know why she was at church alone, I only saw the emotion as her daughter's friend thought of her.

My children are flowers enough for me and I'm glad to see them learning to give from their hearts. Carnations will quickly fade but these memories will warm my heart for days to come.


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