
Not all umbrellas are the same, as are many different kinds of rainfall. Yesterday I experienced walking outside during a heavy rainfall but I held a new umbrella, the kind golfers use. It was so heavy and sturdy that my arm was soon aching as I tried to find new ways to hold and balance it. I was kept dry as it gave complete protection from the elements but now my fold-up one seems quite inferior.

I'm also thinking of what else gives protection and my list is growing. Shoes give protection to feet as does clothing to the body. Homes give protection from the elements of all kinds, especially during bad weather. Immunization gives protection from illness and insurance gives protection from fire and accidents. Families give protection to children as they love and instill enduring values. God's love is a kind of protection as well from whatever life deals us. We can't really insulate ourselves fully from the bad in life, but if God's love covers us, we can walk through just about anything. His love, joy and peace can make all the difference in my world. I'm thankful that I am walking under the umbrella of God's love into whatever storm may blow up, and I know Someone who will even share the weight when my arm gets tired.


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