A Healthy Comparing

You know you've gained weight when your clothes don't fit, right? I've been sitting around for weeks healing, getting no exercise and feeling like things have gone to mush. My pants feel tight and I feel so out of shape. Yet I had a big surprise yesterday.

As part of the PURE longitudinal study with McMaster, I had my three year checkup. I had lots of questions to answer about lifestyle choices regarding exercise and diet. I was asked if I've had a heart attack or stroke in the past three years and I could say no. My accident was detailed but was simply noted as an aside in the study. When I was measured and comparisons were made though, I saw that I had lost an inch in my inch and hips. How could that be when my clothes feel tight?

I guess the daily morning exercise of the past three years has started a trend that I was unaware of. This latest blip on the screen, which seems so long right now, doesn't over-ride the benefits that have been gained long term. I've been focused on the present season, not seeing the big picture. I think I needed the encouragement that comes from stepping back. I feel more ready now to continue my short 15 minute walks, knowing that they will get longer. I will need to be intentional about toning my midsection, but I can do that. Not only will I get my strength and stamina back, I'll be getting back into that trend towards health.

It's funny how a bit of encouragement can shift your perspective. Instead of feeling discouraged, I feel empowered to make each tiny choice a more healthy one, realizing that little choices add up in the long run. As I head back to work, my time will be more limited, even though I will still have the same 24 hours each day. Maybe I simply need to be as intentional about the little choices as the big ones. (A simple statement with big implications to apply, but I'm still saying it.)


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