Across the Generations

When I read a story of a little girl's sleep-over with a great grandma, my heart is warmed. Rather than sleeping in the guest bed, the six year old wanted to crawl in with Grandma, laughing and chatting as if at a friend's house. When it was finally time to settle down to sleep, the grandma held her great granddaughter's hand until sleep came. The phrase about hands reaching "across the generations" is what has stayed with me.

There is a special connection when women build relationships and are willing to share some of life's wisdom with each other. I love it when it happens with my daughters, or with my mom or aunt. I'm realizing that not everyone has those nourishing relationships within their birth families. Even if we do, we still need other women to encourage us.

I felt that connection when I dropped in on a young mom with preschoolers and we chatted over coffee. She's like a daughter to me and I realized how connected we are at the heart level as we laughed and chatted about things. I remembered how I used to cling to words from older moms who had "been there" and how that encouraged me.

Just this past week, I saw evidence of women reaching their hands out to a newcomer. My visiting friend met an older woman at church on Sunday for the first time, who then called and invited her out for coffee the next day. Before leaving the coffee shop, the older woman shared something she had read that morning. It so touched my friend's heart that she felt like it was God speaking just to her. A hand reaching out for coffee was the start of a heart connection between two new friends.

I finally rejoined Connections this week, a weekly group of women that span the generations. I've so missed the sharing and learning that comes in a group, when God's words and wisdom are the focus. As women begin to share personal struggles, others can encourage and empathize. It reminds us that we're sisters in Jesus and we are not alone in this journey. It's that connection across the generations that I'm growing to appreciate.

Whether we're part of an organized group, or are meeting as individuals, there's a special heart connection that can begin to form. I want to be open to encouraging women coming behind me with what I'm still learning. And I want other women to reach out to my daughters, encouraging them in ways that I never can. This week, I want to intentionally reach out across a generational line and begin to form a new friendship.


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