Physicians We Thank You

Doctor,  Mom trusted you.  She felt that you were worthy to receive that trust as her doctor at the end of her life.

Jesus,  Mom trusted you.  She felt you were worthy to receive that trust as her Saviour throughout her life.

Doctor,  We saw the deep level of understanding you had for Mom's wishes and desires.  With respect, you continued to ask what measures she wanted to take next, right to the end.

Jesus,  We saw a deep level of faith in our Mom as she repeatedly clung to your promises in Scripture.  You never let her down, faithful right to the end.

Doctor,  Mom knew better than us what the final stages of this disease would be like.  Wanting to protect Dad, we knew she didn't want to die at home.  We know you must have worked behind the scenes so "that meeting" never ever took place.  Mom never had to entrust herself to another doctor and for that we are grateful.

Jesus,  You knew better than all of us how the gift of your peace would carry Mom through.  You worked behind the scenes in our hearts, bringing peaceful communication and reconciliation.  You never let my Mom down in her trust of you and for that we are grateful.

In these days of reflection and grieving, I thank you both for giving Mom the gift of your presence.


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