Romancing the Wind

You have to watch this video (Romancing the Wind on YouTube) to believe it can be done; three kites simultaneously riding the wind currents to create beauty, all controlled by one man, Ray Bethel. Amazing beauty to the senses of sight and sound.

 Oh to be free to fly as a kite in this way. Oh to feel the wind beneath me and feel in sync with those around me. I don't want to keep bumping into others or get tangled up with negative emotions. Oh to feel like I'm fulfilling my purpose as part of routine daily flights.

I'm afraid my kite is often down on the ground or in need of repairs. But if I can allow the master kite flyer, the one who created me and knows me best, to do the needed repairs, then I can see these 'down' times as just a season of time. 

If I can rest in the fact that he made me as I am and he loves me, then I don't have to stress over outcomes or circumstances.

It's not my job to control things but to allow myself to trust the kite flyer. I may find myself flying into new territory with terrifying unknowns, but that's okay too.

If I can keep my string strong and connected to him, free from tangles or fraying that could hinder my connection, then I can trust that the new path is simply another part of his master design. 


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