Walking in a Fog

The early morning fog shrouded my neighbourhood in a damp mist. Instead of enjoying the sunrise, I found myself in a shadowy world, walking inside the dampness of a cloud.

Spider webs stretched over lawns like mushrooms. Bushes and trees had their share of feathery webs while many were now visible beside fence posts and porch railing. What had been hidden before was now made visible.

When I’m walking around in a fog, things sometimes seem surreal. It’s easy to be clouded in my thinking and forget foundational facts. The spider webs were already there but were invisible and unnoticed. Now, suddenly they are clear and brought into focus by a cloud resting on the ground.

All week I’ve been thinking of the spider’s web as a canopy of God’s grace. Maybe this reminder is even more necessary on foggy days. When I’m feeling overwhelmed by outward demands, I need to look for evidence of God’s love and care for me. It’s a foundational fact that is often clouded and easily forgotten when immersed in stressful situations. Maybe that’s why I want to write things down, to have a tangible reminder of truth to go to when I find myself “in a fog”.

Sometimes these glimpses come in totally unexpected places. Mixed in among the background music at a Perkins Restaurant, came the music for “He Touched Me”. What had been hidden as background noise came sharply into focus as I entered the ladies restroom – another glimpse through the fog of a shopping trip.

Each day has stresses, some coming totally unexpected. If I can immerse myself in truth each morning, even if only for a few minutes, I have a much better chance of seeing what is already there when I find myself overwhelmed.


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