Meteor Showered

Waking up at 3:30 a.m. and seeing the papers sitting in the driveway made me think about doing them immediately. The media's reporting of a best viewing time made me ready to change my morning routine. My bed could wait.

The sparkling sky was clear of cloud cover, yet seemed quiet and undisturbed. Where were the meteors? Here I was, walking in a city filled with street lights, noticing the flickering T.V. lights and shining porch lights. It was no wonder I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, a light streaked across the sky. It wasn't when I was looking for it either. "Wow." As I looked for more, the sky was quiet. Yet again, another and another, always when my thoughts and sight were else where.

The heavens declare the glory of God yet when do I really see it? Is it visible to me when I'm surrounded by the light pollution of technology? I want to enjoy the best of both worlds. Yet God's glory is even now intruding, calling me to awesome wonder.


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