
A house in our neighbourhood that was becoming neglected and run down, gained new owners about ten years ago. These people have consistently made improvements, starting with an in-ground pool that replaced a sandy beach volleyball site in the back yard. Flowerbeds and lawns have become more impressive, and the roof, front door and windows have recently been replaced. This last month, a new surface of brown stucco replaced weathered wood siding, enhancing the brick around it. This morning I had a chance to talk to one of the owners as she left for work.

"You must feel good, now that you have things looking so nice," was how I greeted her. Her response of, " Now we have to work on the inside," made me start thinking. Is there no time to enjoy what has already been accomplished? They had painted inside as soon as they arrived and I thought things still looked good. Renovating seems to be a cycle that continues as we get more resources and our needs change.

As I made connections to myself as a house, I realized that I should never be finished making improvements. Once one area is cleaned up and I move on to the next, wear and tear makes their mark and I am back to cleaning and making more repairs. It is always easier to clean though, if I maintain things daily rather than slacking off. I have been working on my outside by losing weight and getting more regular exercise, but I can't neglect the inside thoughts and attitudes that determine my character. I can clean things up for guests to see by watching my words and actions, but it's really about how things are every day that matters to those I love. It's also about the stuffed closets that are waiting to spill out at inopportune times if continually neglected.

The hard things need to be delegated, especially if there is another owner. As I truly submit myself to the owner of my life and daily confer on decisions, my desires will gradually mesh with his as he shares more of his purpose and plan for me.


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