Preparing for Freezing Rain

When the Weather Channel warns of an upcoming storm, you are being prudent to take notice and possibly change your travel plans. With two children needing to get back to University after the Christmas Break, there are no options but to travel despite the weather. Rather than leaving after lunch on Sunday, we had them pack up in the morning and were on the road before noon, traveling ahead of most of the bad weather.

When the freezing rain came, the highways were made safer because of the salt and sand already there. I found myself sliding most in the Restaurant parking lot and on unshovelled steps that had packed snow already slick to walk on. The location where I came the closest to actually falling down was on an ice patch from a drain spout outside my son's house. What made it the most dangerous was the fact that I didn't even notice it.

By preparing for the freezing rain as we did, the trip was not stressful, as we took the time needed for safety and were home before the worse hit Niagara. Now as I look ahead to the week, I realize that how I prepare in my mind for it will determine how I will handle the stresses ahead. My attitude and the things I choose to think about can be the salt and sand that I lay down in advance so that I won't be slipping and falling down. I will have many choices each day how to process happenings that are out of my control, but I can prepare by choosing to think about " whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." This is how I want to prepare my mind for what is ahead, not only for today but for the weeks to come as well.


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